Tuesday 20 December 2011

Cinderella's Story is a Reality

The panto season is in full swing with Aladdin's and Sleeping Beauty's across the country performing some of the best loved stories.

I am a great lover of panto and have been since I was a child and was pulled up on stage by Keith Chegwin to wiggle my bottom in a production of Jack & The Beanstalk.

Now I am older and running a Wills and Probate Company the obvious pantomime that sticks in my mind is Cinderella. Why I hear you cry well let me tell you.

Cinderella's father and mother were married and had a beautiful child called Cinderella. Cinderella's mother then dies while Cinders is still very young. Cinderella's father meets another woman who seems quite nice and has 2 daughters of her own from a previous relationship (all sounds quite familiar these days). They marry and all 5 of them live together in Cinderella's fathers house.

No Will is completed and Cinderella's father dies. Due to the lack of provisions and motivated by trust alone everything passes to Cinderella's stepmother
Now we all know the story. Unfortunately in real life there are no Prince Charming's to save us so in this day and age Cinders probably would have moved out first chance she got and begun working - getting by.

However, if her father had created a Property Trust in his Will he could have left his new wife (stepmother) with a roof over her head until the day she died / remarried perhaps with a lump sum of cash with the remainder passing to Cinderella on her stepmother's death. Thus everyone would have been happy.

So although Cinderella is a well-known pantomime / fairy tale this is a story I hear all too often in real life.

Simple inexpensive things can be done to protect all that you love.

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