Wednesday 4 January 2012

Are you happy to pay for your own social / nursing care in the future?

This is an interesting debate and one I come across when out and about seeing clients.
Some believe that they should be responsible for paying for their own care and others (the majority I’ll be honest) believe that they have paid and contributed enough to society and shouldn’t have to “lose their homes” to pay for their own care if they ever become unable to care for themselves.
According to Peter Hay, president of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, “Three-quarters of people end up needing some social care support - so this is an issue that affects most of us”.
This is quite a high figure.
An independent review said that costs should be capped at £35,000 and cross party talks that start later this month are expected to consider these plans.
But some believe the final cap may have to be higher and have warned it will not cover everything anyway.
But even with the prospect of political consensus in sight, the public will still be expected to shoulder a significant chunk of the costs.

I’d be interested to know what you think about this topic

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